"When we relinquish control, and go into nature with open hearts, we find our best selves."

Dreaming, Exploring, Creating

It's a journey...

Now, I am traveling many roads, and exploring many interests. I'm  writing fiction, and learning to make all my stories better by developing deeper skills in the visual arts. 

My professional writing, in the nonfiction genre, has spanned a couple of decades. I've covered a wide range of topics in agriculture, technology, finance, education, construction, food and marketing.

There is no grand plan, or beautifully-worded goal statement, just the desire to create to my heart's content, and to the beat of others' drums as needed.

Demo Reel

See what I've been up to in making tutorial, explainer and training videos.

The Writing

As a trained photojournalist I've traveled many beats, including, agriculture, construction, education, finance, management, training and technology.

The Photography

While photography hasn't been my primary pursuit, I have always been ardently practicing it.